Nilsson + Associates Architects

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Property Condition Assessments

PCA Reporting

Nilsson + Associates Architects performs Property Condition Assessments (PCAs) for real estate lenders, investors owners and developers. Nilsson + Associates Architects' building inspectors inspect subject properties, buildings and other property improvements to assess and report their condition. We create a Property Condition Assessment (PCA) Report to describe the condition of building systems and certain site systems. Our PCA report summary will indicate the overall conditions rating and estimated costs for substantial repairs required within the near term.

CMBSL and Portfolio Lender PCA

Commercial Mortgage-Backed Security Lenders, portfolio lender/investors and insurance lenders typically order Property Condition Assessments (PCAs), aka Property Condition Reports (PCRs) to satisfy the due diligence requirement to make a commercial building inspection. Nilsson + Associates Architects creates PCAs respecting rating agency requirements such as Standard and Poor's, and according to the ASTM E2018 Standard Guide for Property Condition Assessments: Baseline Property Condition Assessment Process. Nilsson + Associates Architects PCAs report the condition of major building systems and site improvements including an overall building condition rating, and estimated costs for substantial repairs required within the near term.

Investor PCAs

Real Estate Investors consider commercial building inspection as usual and normal due diligence to verify property conditions and eliminate surprises. Nilsson + Associates Architects customizes our assessment scope with each client to suit the particular needs of each individual investor and property. We are capable of performing extremely detailed and technical inspections and our people have the experience to understand quickly which systems will require major repairs and/or replacement. Although the more costly and very thorough investigations are not always appropriate, Nilsson + Associates Architects can save investors money by providing a professional's view of conditions and anticipated near-term liabilities during the investors negotiation.

Our Professionals

Our building inspectors will be a qualified as a professional Architect or Architectural technician with many years of experience. As such, our inspectors are extremely well qualified to review all property systems for big-picture concerns. We can also add value by giving an opinion of the potential for uplift in the context of zoning rights, by identifying opportunities to create additional stories or take advantage of local, real estate market conditions. Architects by our profession, training and experience take in the total view of the property and improvements, buildings and site systems. We are uniquely qualified to identify and rank concerns from significant to small. We also have an established network of specialist consultants to report as appropriate, on detailed costs and/or highly technical/specialized issues such as indoor air quality, energy auditing, hazardous materials and etc.

A Typical Assessment Scope


Property Condition Assessment

Introductory Letter

1. Summary

  • Property Summary

  • Property Description

  • General Physical Condition

  • Recommendations

2. Purpose, Scope and Limitations

  • Purpose

  • Scope of Work

  • Limitations

  • Non-Access Disclosure

  • User Reliance

3. Property Description

  • Property Details

  • Utilities and Service Providers

  • Neighboring Properties

4. Code Compliance Municipal Departments

5. Property Grounds

  • Topography and Drainage

  • Paving and Curbing

  • Landscaping and Appurtenances

  • Ancillary Structures

6. Frame and Envelope

  • Substructure

  • Superstructure

  • Roofing

  • Facades

7. Interior Elements Finishes Fixtures Appliances

8. Plumbing, Mechanical + Electrical

  • Plumbing

  • Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

  • Electrical

9. Elevators + Escalators

10. Life Safety-Fire Protection/ADA/Mold

  • Life Safety Systems

  • Accessibility

11. Microbial Contamination (Mold) Observations

12. Appendices

  • Appendix 1 Photographs

  • Appendix 2 Maps + Drawings

  • Appendix 3 Questionnaire

  • Appendix 4 Regulatory

  • Appendix 5 Indicative Costs

  • Appendix 6 Personnel